Short gay pride shirts

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Recognizing that barriers to entry remain higher for all marginalized filmmakers of all stripes, it’s vitally important to highlight up and coming queer filmmakers at the shorts level.

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The best short films don’t use the form as a mere stepping stone to a feature, but as a unique and valuable medium unto itself.

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has fewer avenues for short films to gain attention than say Europe or Asia, there will always be cinephiles who enjoy the unique pleasures of a well-made short. That’s doubly and sometimes triply important when you’re a marginalized voice, especially if your work deals openly with themes of queerness, sexuality, race, and/or gender. As long as there are obstacles to funding, production, and distribution for queer films, shorts remain the easiest way for filmmakers to get noticed and get a foot in the door of the industry.

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As Pride month comes to a close, it’s important to look ahead to the future of queer film.

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